Categories: Z-Old-Archived-Posts Recruitment 2016 Safety Manager, Company Secretary : MDL Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders

Organisation : Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited (MDL)
Post Name: Recruitment for Safety Manager, Company Secretary in 2016
Reference Number : Advertisement Ref. No.: MDL/HR-CR/REC/53/2016

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Recruitment of Safety Manager :

Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the following posts. Eligible & interested candidates are required to apply online.

Post/ Vacancy :
a. General Manager (HR) 01
b. General Manager (Tech) 01
c. Company Secretary 01
d. Deputy General Manager (Admin) 01
e. Assistant Manager (Safety) E-2 02
f. Senior Officer (Fire) 01
Total 07

a. Eligible candidates shall apply through online registration system by logging on to MDL website and clicking on “Online Recruitment”. The site shall be activated and will remain functional from 13.10.2016 to 10.11.2016. Candidates have to apply Online only. No manual/ paper application will be entertained.

b. While applying online, candidates should keep a scanned copy of their passport size colour photograph and their signature in jpeg format.

c. Any changes in the application form need to be edited from “Online Recruitment->Candidate->Application Status” only before the last date of online application. No other means of communication or correspondence will be entertained.

d. Candidates shall possess a valid and active email-id, which needs to be entered in the application form. Only this email ID will be considered for all future correspondence.

e. Once you submit your Application, the System will generate a unique Registration No. After validation of your email id, take a printout of the Application Form with the help of this registration number. Please keep a record of the same for future reference.

Candidates are advised to take a print out of the application form quoting their registration number on or before the last date of application. Option for validation of email or download/ printing of application form will not be available after the last date of application.

f. Please note that your application is incomplete unless you get a system generated registration number and validate email of the email-id submitted in the application form. Applications without email validation will not be considered for further recruitment process.

g. Generation of registration number does not imply acceptance of application or eligibility for the post.

h. Eligible and interested candidates are advised to apply well in advance so as to avoid last minute errors in application. MDL management will not be responsible for any delay in submission of application caused due to the queries raised by the applicant and non-receipt of response thereof.

i. Candidates may enter ‘NA’ in the mandatory fields not applicable to them.
j. In case of difficulty in registration, candidates may contact on email mdlrec[at] or numbers 022-23764108/4174.
k. Processing fee of ` 300/- shall be applicable for the candidates. Applicants belonging to SC/ST/PWD (Persons With Disability) are exempted from such payment of processing fee.

l. The instructions for payment of Processing Fee are given at para 11 below. Application forms without Challan (MDL’s Copy) shall be treated as incomplete and not considered for further recruitment process.

m. Forwarding of Application through Proper Channel by Candidates employed with Govt./ PSU after submitting online application: Printout of Online Applications of candidates working in Govt./ PSU are to be sent through proper channel to “CM (HR-CR), Mazdock House, Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited, Dockyard Road, Mumbai-400010”.

Applications must be forwarded through Postal/ Courier services only (Internal candidates are required to submit their applications through their HOD to HR-E Section by hand). MDL will not be responsible for any delay/ loss in postal transit of any application or communication.

a. Candidates are required to deposit the Processing Fee at any nearest Branch of State Bank of India (SBI) as per procedure given below.

b. Candidates are required to download the Challan Form available at the end of this advertisement. (Please note that Challan format, other than the one attached to this advertisement shall not be accepted)

c. Fill up all the three parts (Bank’s Copy, MDL’s Copy & Candidate’s Copy) of the Challan.

d. Deposit cash of ` 340/- (including Bank Charges of ` 40/-) at the nearest SBI Branch. Bank shall be accepting processing fees upto the last date of remittance mentioned at the end of the Challan i.e. 10 November 2016 upto the normal banking operational hours.

e. Bank shall retain its copy (Bank’s Copy) and return two parts (MDL’s Copy and Candidate’s Copy) of the Challan to the candidate after filling of necessary information and Bank’s seal acknowledging receipt of the Processing Fees and Bank charges.

f. Candidates are required to ensure that Bank officials have filled up all necessary Bank and payment details (Branch Name, Branch Code, Journal No. & Date of Remittance) along with Bank Seal acknowledging receipt of fees on MDL’s Copy as well as Candidate’s Copy of the Challan.

g. The details of remittance of processing fees such as Bank Branch Name, Branch Code, Journal No. etc are required to be entered in Section 3 of the Online Application Form.

h. Fees paid against this advertisement shall not be accepted/ transferred against any other advertisement.

i. Application form along with the ‘MDL’s Copy’ section of the Challan should be forwarded in an envelope superscribing “Advertisement Ref. No. & Post applied for” through post or courier so as to reach CM (HR-CR) on or before Friday, 25 November 2016 (1700hrs) on the following address.
Executives Recruitment Section,
02nd Floor, Mazdock House
Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited,
Dockyard Road, Mumbai – 400010

j. Please note that only depositing Processing Fees at SBI is not sufficient, but the original ‘MDL’s Copy’ section of the Challan with proper Bank Seal must be received at MDL along with the copy of the Application Form for considering the candidature.


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