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All posts from Recruitment 2016-17 NCC Lascar Group-D : Karnataka Examinations Authority

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Organisation : Karnataka Examinations Authority
Post Name: Recruitment for NCC Lascar (Group-D) in 2016

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Notification :
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NCC Lascar Recruitment :

Recruitment for the post of ‘Lascar (Group-D)’ in NCC Directorate (State Cell)

Related : KPSC Karnataka Recruitment 2016 FDA/SDA, Senior Assistant KFCSC :

Method of Applying:
Step 1: Candidates have to apply only through online by browsing the URL: “Recruitment of Group-D” for the posts notified in Notification -1 above, and by browsing the URL: “Recruitment of Group-D-HK” for the posts notified in Notification – 2 above in the KEA Website There is no pen and paper method of applying. For detailed instructions to fill the application online please visit KEA Website.

Step 2: Select “New User Click Here” button, start entering the required information in the registration.
Step 3: After completion of entry of all the details candidates will receive an application number and User ID to their registered mobile number and also the same information will be displayed on the screen.
Step 4: After entering the User ID and Password, candidates will be allowed to enter the application details.

Step 5: After completion of entry of application details, candidates can verify the entries entered by them by selecting “Print Application” or on the screen itself. Candidates can take print out of the application. If any changes are required, candidates are allowed to modify the changes. Please confirm yourself that no changes are required for the entries made and then select “NEXT” button.

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Step 6: Then candidates have to upload their scanned images of Photograph, signature, Left Hand Thumb Impression and select “NEXT” button.
Step 7: Then candidates have to read the Declaration, read and understand it completely and select “I Agree” button.
Step 8: After the “OK” button is selected, then candidates have to download the Challan and print the same.
Step 9: After printing of Challan, make the payment along with the copy of the Challn, in any nearest branch of the SBM Bank in Karnataka. After receipt of the payment, bank will retain the Bank copy with them and return the other two copies.
Step 10: After making the payment, candidates have to take final printout of the application and keep with them and produce the same whenever it is required.

Applicants are hereby informed to go through the instructions carefully and understand / acquaint themselves:
1. Applicants can apply for LASCAR (Group-D) posts through “Online” only.
2. If the candidates desire to apply for the posts mentioned in the Notification – 1 and Notification – 2, then they have to apply separately for each notification, and they have to pay the fees separately for each post.
3. Instructions can be downloaded from the KEA Website
4. Online submission of Application Form may be made by accessing KEA Website
5. Applicants must follow the instructions strictly as given in the instructions hosted on the KEA Website Applicants not complying with the instructions shall be summarily disqualified.

6. Applicants must retain the following documents with them as reference for future correspondence and produce the same whenever it is required.
(i) At least three printouts of the finally submitted online Application.
(ii) Proof of fee paid.
(iii) 3 copies of identical Photograph of the candidate that scanned and uploaded on the Online Application.

7. (a) Candidate must ensure that mobile numbers, e-mail address entered in the online application form are his/her own, as in case of urgency KEA may send information / communications by SMS or mail on given mobile number and mailing ID only.

(b) The Candidate shall be held responsible for non-receipt of latest information due to wrong mobile number or mailing address filled in the On Line Application Form.

8. For the latest updates, Applicants must remain in touch with the KEA Website

9. Applicants are advised to visit KEA Website at least twice in a day for the latest news / updates and also check their mobile / e-mail as in case of urgency KEA may send the information / communications.

Important Date :
Commencement of Entry of Application Online From 11:00 AM on 20-12-2016
Last Date of Entry of Application details Online Upto 5:30 PM on 19-01-2017
Last date to pay the fees in the specified Bank 21-01-2017 ( during banking hours)

Add a Comment
  1. What is the work for the post Lascar Group-D?

    1. Kindly read the notification.

  2. What are the responsibilities or job duties of lascar?

  3. What is the meaning of Lascar?

    1. Like a home gaurd.

  4. How much fee do we have to pay?

  5. How will be the selection?

  6. What is meant by Lascar? What are the duties need to be done for this post?

  7. I want govt job.

  8. What are the work responsibilities or duties of Lacser?


    What is Lascer? What is the SSLC cut off marks required for this job?

    1. Is 65 percentage sufficient for selection?

  10. When is group d exam?

  11. Why do name mentioned as LOCAL?

  12. I have not got call letter even though challan has to be paid?

  13. What is the work of lascar in KEA?

  14. How much SSLC cut off marks required?

  15. What type of work it is? What about salary?

  16. How will be the selection?

  17. When is the result?

  18. I have entered wrong percentage of SSLC marks in NCC Lascar post. What can I do? Please help me.

    1. What is your percentage?

  19. I need selection list please.

    1. Lascar nothing but a home gaurd

    2. My percentage is 79. Can I expect the lascar post?

  20. How much SSLC cut off marks required?

  21. Where can I get the selection list?

  22. How much SSLC cut off marks required?

  23. When will you release the final list of lascar?

  24. I am waiting for selection list.

  25. What is the selection process?

  26. I have applied but forgot to take print the application. What can I do now?

  27. When will result of Lascar Recruitment be announced?

  28. When will the selection list be announced?

  29. When will the selection list be announced?

  30. When will you release the selection list of Lascar ?

  31. When will you declare the selection list?

  32. Where can I get the selection list?

  33. When will you announce the selection list?

  34. When will you announce the selection list?

  35. When will you display the merit list?

  36. What is the mark required in Kannada subject to qualify?

    1. When will you announcement the results?

  37. When Will you announce the selections list? Please reply.

  38. When will you announce the selection list?

  39. When is result come?

  40. When is the lascar group D selected list be announced?

  41. When will you announce the selection list? Please reply.

  42. When will you going to conduct the interview for Lascar D group?

  43. When will you upload the selected candidates list?

  44. When will you people announce the selected list?

  45. Has anyone attested your SSLC marks card ?

  46. What is the selection procedure?

  47. When the result will be announced? What about Lascar job and its duties?

  48. When will they announce result?

  49. When the selection list will be released?

  50. What is meant by Lascar? What are the duties need to be done for this post?

  51. When will result be displayed?

  52. When will you release selection list of lascar?

    1. When is the selection list going to be realeased?

    2. Did u get any information about Lascar? I am waiting for that.

  53. When is MCC Lascar merit list going to be declared?

  54. When is the result going to be declared?

  55. What is the cut off marks?

  56. When is selection list going to be announced?

  57. When is selection list going to be released?

  58. When will the Lascar selection list be declared?

  59. When will the results be declared?

  60. I have scored 81 percentage. I want to know the cut off marks.

    1. You can view cutoff mark using the below mentioned link :

  61. When will the merit list be released?

  62. When will the selection list be released?

    1. The merit list for the post of Recruitment for NCC Lascar (Group-D) has been declared. You can view the merit list using the below mentioned link :

  63. When will the merit be declared?

    1. The merit list for the post of Recruitment for NCC Lascar (Group-D) has been declared. You can view the merit list using the below mentioned link :

  64. When will merit list be generated?

  65. When will the final list be released? Please let me know.

  66. I have scored 83.52 percentage marks in SSLC exam. I have scored 125 out of 125 marks in Kannada. My name is in the provisional merit list. Please select me.

  67. When will I receive the confirmation letter? Do I need the letter for verification process?

  68. Please tell, Wen will you release the selection list? because so many candidates are waiting for the result.

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