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All posts from Recruitment 2017 Patwari : Revenue Department Andaman & Nicobar

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Organisation : Andaman & Nicobar Administration Revenue Department
Post Name: Recruitment for Patwari in 2017

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Patwari Recruitment :


Related : Port Management Board Andaman & Nicobar Recruitment 2016 Surveyor :

Name of post : Patwari
No. of vacancy : 12 Posts (General-08, OBC-04 ) (Subject to Variation)
Scale of Pay : Pay Band Rs.5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2000/-

Age Limit : 18-33-Male, 18-38-Female General category 18-36 Male, 18-41 Female OBC Category (Relaxable for Govt. servant up to 5 years in accordance with the instructions/orders issued by the Govt.

Note: The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date (31.12.2016) for filling up of online applications by the candidates.

Educational Qualification :
1. Senior Secondary School Examination (XIIth Std) pass from a recognized board.
2. Should qualify written test.

Note :
The selected candidates must undergo the requisite training and pass the department examination in three chances failing which his/her service will be liable for termination.

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1. Candidate shall start filling up the online application by clicking on “APPLY ONLINE”.

2. The Candidate has to go through following steps for completing his/her online submission.
a) Personal Details
b) Selection of Post
c) Educational Qualification
d) Upload scanned colored photograph and signature
e) Final Confirmation and Submission

3. Filling of online application has to be completed in a single session.
4. The candidate should enter all required information correctly in the fields of the online application.
5. Personal Details once saved cannot be modified again.

6. Kindly keep your scanned copy of colored photograph (File Size between 20 kb to 50 kb with file extension .jpg/.jpeg) and signature (File Size between 10 kb to 20 kb with file extension .jpg/.jpeg) before applying.

7. After filling the fields, the candidate can save the information and continue to next form by clicking on the “CONTINUE” button. The candidate can edit the filled details in qualification, photograph, signature, Post for which applying till the final confirmation & submission by clicking on “EDIT APPLICATION”.

8. Click on “CONFIRM & SUBMIT” for final submission of the application form.

9. Take a printout of the online application after confirmation. A Registration Number will be generated in the printed application form and a SMS will be sent to the registered mobile number.

10. The last date for online submission of application is given in the advertisement details.

Opening Date : 04/01/2017
Closing Date : 31/01/2017 Till 11:59:59 PM

Add a Comment
  1. I am from Jharkhand and my caste is ST. May I apply this vacancy?

  2. I need Andaman & Nicobar Administration Revenue Department Recruitment for Patwari in 2017 exam fees.

  3. What type of exam it will be for this test? Please let me know the pattern of exam.

  4. I required information about the pattern of exam and how can I download the admit card for examination? When will the examination be released?


  5. I want to know about the date of exam and applicant number.

  6. I am unable to apply online. Please help me.

  7. I have applied for this post. When will you going to conduct the exam?

  8. Please tell me the exam date.

  9. I missed my enrollment number. Is there any way to recover?

  10. When is the exam going to be held? Can you please provide the date?

  11. I want syllabus for this exam. Where can I get syllabus?

  12. I want to know the exam date. Please help me.

  13. When will the hall ticket be issued? Kindly inform me.

  14. Tell me on which month you will conduct the examination. I kindly request you not to allow outside candidates.

  15. Please provide the website link to download the hall ticket.

    1. Information available from the Official Website :

      Date/time/Hall ticket of the candidate shall be intimated later through SMS/News paper. The admit cards will be issued after thorough scrutiny of online applications of application forms.

      Incomplete applications in any form are liable to be rejected. No further correspondence will be entertained in this regard and no Admit Card will be issued to such candidates.

  16. I want my admit card. Please help me.

  17. I got this from Andaman Sheekha,

    Port Blair, Feb 01 : The District Administration has informed all the candidates who had applied for the post of Patwari in the Pay Matrix-3 Rs.21700/- (Pre-revised pay scale in Pay Band-I Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.2000/- Group-C (Non-Gazetted/Non-Ministerial) in the Revenue department that the Accepted and Rejected application can be viewed in the A & N Administration’s website [] from 02nd February 2018.

    The candidates have been further informed that the Hall Tickets for the written examination (tentative date 25th February 2018) can be downloaded from the A & N Administration’s website [] with effect from 10th February 2018 to 25th February 2018.
    The candidates have been further advised to contact the control Room of the District Administration over phone no.233881/240127and 1070 or in person, if any difficulty is faced to download the Hall ticket.

    any more info about this, please share.

  18. Please provide the website link to download the hall ticket.

    1. Information available from the Official Website :

      Date/time/Hall ticket of the candidate shall be intimated later through SMS/News paper. The admit cards will be issued after thorough scrutiny of online applications of application forms.

      Incomplete applications in any form are liable to be rejected. No further correspondence will be entertained in this regard and no Admit Card will be issued to such candidates.

  19. Please inform, If anyone knows about exam date.

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