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WBSSC Download Admit Card 2016 RLST Clerk, Group-D West Bengal Central School Service Commission :

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Organisation : West Bengal Central School Service Commission
Announcement : Download Admit Card
Designation : RLST Clerk, Group-D 2016 Regional Level Selection Test

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Download Admit Card :

This is notified for information of all concerned that Admit Cards for the aforementioned selection tests will be issued as per schedule detailed below:
(a) For Gr.D Staff : From 6th February, 2017 (Afternoon)
(b) For Clerk : From 20th February, 2017 (Afternoon)

Related : WBSSC Recruitment 2016 1st SLST Assistant Teacher Physical & Work Education :

Every valid candidate has to download his/her Admit Card by feeding his/her 16 digit Application ID and Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) from The West Bengal School Service Commission’s official website i.e. in terms of schedule noted above.

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Information as displayed in the online Admit Card shall be treated as final. No paper (hard copy) admit card shall be issued for these examinations. Candidates are requested to go through the information displayed on the Admit Card carefully.

If Admit Card is not found in the official website of Commission, as referred to above, then in such cases candidates will be required to appear in person with relevant proper original documents and photo identity proof in the office of The West Bengal Central School Service Commission at the address captioned above on working days during office hours.

Candidates for examination for the posts of Gr.D. Staff will be allowed in this process from 07.02.2017 to 16.02.2017. Candidates for the examination for the posts of Clerk will be allowed from 21.02.2017 to 02.03.2017.

If photograph is not found in the Admit Card then the concerned candidate will proceed to the examination venue with three copies of his/her recent stamp size photograph. Editing and or modification of the contents of Admit Card will not be allowed under any circumstances.

If any candidate fails to connect website of commission then he/she may visit as referral website from where relevant instructions may be obtained in connection with downloading of Admit Card.

Further, all candidates are requested to follow the guidelines available with the Admit Card and go through the model OMR Sheet. Candidate may also call on helpline nos.viz.03323214550/9051176500/9051174600/ 9051174700 and 9830454218 on working days during 11am to 5pm.

Add a Comment
  1. I have forgotten my 16 digit application ID. How can I retrieve it?

    1. I have forgotten my 16 digit application ID. How can I retrieve it?

  2. I have lost my application ID. How can I get my admit card?

  3. Go to your Gmail there you can see the 16th digit application ID.

  4. There is no way to find 16th digit application ID.

  5. I have lost my 16 digit application id. How can I get it?

    1. Www west benga school service commission 2o16

  6. I which way, I get the hard copy of application form?

  7. i have lost my admit card clerck .how can i get it? .

  8. Admit card and application id me. mail id hazraprasenjit15oct AT

  9. I have lost my admit card, how can gat it ? Please halp me.
    Application id 2608160700255733
    Date of barth 02-01-1993
    Post – Clerk
    WBSSC 2016
    My contact number. 9734261xxx
    Email id princebibhas26 AT


      Sir ,I have lost my admit card , how to get that copy please inform ,
      my Applicant ID:1609160201111588
      Date of Birth : 07-05-1976
      Post – Group D Peon
      WBSSC 2016

  10. I have lost my clerk admit card…… How can I get my admit card??
    Please help me any one🙏🙏

  11. Lost my application id group D peon 2016
    Plz help me
    My email ariprahaman98 AT

  12. I lost admit card but I have application copy and roll no,how can I get admit card.please help Gmail id dibakarguchhait100 AT
    phone no 9564329xxx

  13. Bharat Kumar Singha

    I lost my group D admit card but I have application ID. How can I get my admit card?

  14. I hv lost my admt can I get it!

  15. I have lost my admit card please help me.mail I’d -swapanjana1009 AT

    1. Iam unable to download my admit Card , please help

    2. Sir I have forgotten my 16 digit application id and admit roll number. Have you find it? Send me the application id and admit roll number please send. Email address joydebroyblg AT number 8167031xxx date of birth 25/10/1994 Co jiban Kumar Roy

  16. I have lost my application ID. How can I get my admit card?

    post -group-D

  17. I lost my admit card of WBSSC 2016, and my application is 203161540038189.

    Please send me my admit number.
    GMAIL- kalyanmallick10 AT

  18. I have lost my admit card for primary teacher(ssc)….how can I get it please, my mail I’d barmanyoutpal at

  19. Sir I have lost my admit card

  20. Iam unable to download my admit Card , please help

  21. Sir I have forgotten my 16 digit application id and admit roll number. Have you find it? Send my admit details and application id. Email joydebroyblg AT number 8167031xxx date of birth 25 /10/1994

  22. Loss my admit card clark … application I’d 2608160903291730

  23. Wbssc group c 2016 waiting list

  24. ammar WBssc gd application no and admit card hariye geche please ammake bolun.

  25. Wbssc group c waiting a
    name chilo 2016 roll 26081607017970 cabe habe counsiling dibas bas

  26. lost my admit card, group D. 2016
    please, help.

  27. my admit card lost help me

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