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Mother Teresa Women’s University TNSET 2017 Tamil Nadu State Eligibility Test Assistant Professor

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Organisation : Mother Teresa Women’s University
Post Name: Recruitment for Tamil Nadu State Eligibility Test (TNSET-2017) for Assistant Professor

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1. Candidates who have secured at least 55% of marks (without rounding off) for General Category and 50% for Backward Classes/Most Backward Classes (MBC) / De-Notified Communities (DNC) / Scheduled Caste (SC)/ Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Persons with Disability (PwD-VH/PH), in Master Degree or equivalent examination from Universities / Institutions recognized by UGC New Delhi in subjects like Sciences, Humanities (including languages), Social Sciences, Computer Science & Applications, Electronic Sciences etc., are eligible to appear for this test.

2. Candidates who have appeared or will be appearing at the Master Degree (final year) examination and whose result is still awaited or candidates whose qualifying examinations have been delayed may also appear for this test.

However, such candidates will be admitted provisionally and for those who clear the TNSET- 2017 examination, eligibility certificate will be issued only on production of proof for having passed the Master degree or equivalent examination securing at least 55% marks (without rounding off) for General Category and 50% for Backward Classes / Most Backward Classes (MBC) / De-Notified Communities (DNC) / Scheduled Caste (SC)/Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Persons with Disability (PwD-VH/PH) within two years from the date of TNSET-2017 examination, failing which they will be treated as disqualified.

3. The Ph.D. Degree holders who have completed the Master Degree on or before 19th September 1991 (irrespective of declaration of result) shall be eligible for a relaxation of 5% marks for appearing in TNSET-2017 examination.

4. Candidates shall appear for TNSET-2017 examination in their relevant subject of their Post-Graduation only. In case the Candidate did not find the subject of their Post Graduation in the list of TNSET-2017 subjects, the Candidate may appear in UGC-NET / UGC-CSIR NET which is held twice a year.

5. Candidates other than General Category are required to mention their Social Status in the Online Application Form.

Candidates may note that they should satisfy the eligibility conditions with reference to the documents such as PG degree mark statement, Community Certificate and Certificates related to PwD (VH/PH) uploaded with their applications.

The Community Certificates submitted by the candidates must be issued by the competent authority. In case any of the Certificates mentioned above is found to be invalid by the TNSET- 2017 agency at any stage, their candidature will be cancelled and they shall be liable for legal action.

6. Candidates should note that their candidature is provisional. The mere fact that an admission card has been issued to a candidate will not imply that the TNSET- 2017 Centre has accepted his/her candidature. Candidates may note that candidature will be deemed final only upon verification of eligibility conditions.

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Category General BC/MBC/DNC as per the list available on website SC/ST/PwD-VI,HI,PH
Examination Fee Rs. 1500/- Rs. 1250/- Rs. 500/-

1. The candidates may pay the examination fee either by credit/ debit card or net banking. In case the examination fee is paid through credit/debit card, the additional processing charges as following will also be debited from the credit/debit card of the candidate along with applicable taxes, convenience fee and processing fee.

2. After filling all the details for applying online for TNSET2017, the candidate will have the option to select the mode of payment of examination fee either by credit/debit card or net-banking.

3. The candidates are required to check the status of fee payment at TNSET2017 website and if the status is ‘OK’, the candidate will be able to take the printout of Confirmation Page.

In case, the fee payment status is not ‘OK’ the candidates are advised to do the following:-
If the fee is paid through credit / debit card / net-banking and status is not OK, it means the transaction is cancelled and the amount will be refunded to concerned credit / debit card within a week. Such candidates have to pay the fee once again.

Please note that fee submitted by any other mode like Money Order, Demand Draft, IPO etc. will be rejected. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.

1. Candidate seeking admission to the Test (TNSET-2017) must apply online only on the website

2. Before applying Online, the candidates must possess the scanned images as below:-
? Passport size photograph in JPG format of minimum 4kb to 40 kb. The dimension of the photograph should be 3.5 cm (width) x 4.5 cm (height).
? Signature in JPG format of minimum 4kb to 30 kb. The dimension of the signature should be 3.5 cm (width) x 1.5 cm (height).

3. After filling all the details for applying online for TNSET- 2017, the candidates have to select the option of payment of examination fee either by credit/debit card or Net banking.

4. The candidates are required to bring a photo identity card along with their printout of online Admission Card on the day of examination.
5. Please note that Fee submitted through any other mode like Money Order, Demand Draft, IPO etc. will be summarily rejected.
6. In order to avoid last minute rush, the candidates are advised to apply early enough.

Mother Teresa Women’s University will not be responsible for TNSET-2017 work problems or any other problem of this nature in submission of online application during last days.

The Candidates are advised to ensure the following points before filling the Online Application Forms:
1. Whether they fulfill the eligibility conditions for the Test as prescribed under the heading ‘CONDITIONS OF ELIGIBILITY’
2. That they have filled their CATEGORY, viz, GENERAL/BC/MBC/DNC/SC/ST/ PwD, in the relevant column correctly and accurately.
3. That they have filled their Subject and Centre of Examination and Code in the relevant column correctly.

4. That the Person with Disability (PwD) Candidates have filled the relevant column in the Online Application Form. Only PwD Candidates have to fill this column and the others have to leave it blank.

5. Whether they have kept a printout of Application Form (Confirmation Page) for their own record.

Important Dates :
1 Submission of Online Application Form 12-02-2017
2 Last date for Applying Online 12-03-2017
3 Last Date for Applying Online with Late Fee Rs. 300/- 19-03-2017
4 Date of Examination 23-04-2017

Add a Comment
  1. Please let me know the subject wise vacancies.

  2. I have passed SET exam last year (2016), also have verified my certificates. When will you send the certificate?

  3. How can I prepare for set exam? Please reply.

  4. How can I prepare for SET exam?

  5. Does M.E and candidates allow to write it?

  6. Please send the Model Question Papers and Syllabus.

  7. What is the selection process?

  8. I applied for TNSET 2017 I made the payment also I received payment receipt in my email ID but in my application status it is reflecting as fee not paid. What can I do? How to take print out of application form? Please reply

  9. How to prepare for examination?

  10. How can I prepare for examination?

  11. I need syllabus for management. Please help me.

    1. You can view the syllabus using the below mentioned link :

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