Categories: Syllabus

CIT Entrance Examination 2017 Syllabus CITEE, CITDEE, CITBDAT & CITLET : Central Institute of Technology

Organisation : Central Institute Of Technology, Kokrajhar
Announcement : Syllabus
Entrance Exam : CIT Entrance Examination -2017 CITEE, CITDEE, CITBDAT & CITLET

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The Central Institute of Technology Entrance Examination (CITEE)-2017 will be conducted in three hours of duration with a total of 150 marks.

Related : CIT Entrance Examination 2017 CITEE, CITDEE, CITBDAT & CITLET :

The question paper will consist of five (5) sections: A, B, C, D & E.

Section-A consists of twenty five questions in Physics carrying one mark each, Section-B of twenty five questions in Chemistry carrying one mark each, Section-C of twenty five questions in Biology carrying one mark each, Section-D of fifty questions in Mathematics carrying one & two marks & Section-E twenty five questions in English carrying one mark each.

The questions will be multiple choices with four options of answers.

Section -A :
PHYSICS (25 marks)
Units and Measurement of Physical Quantities:
Fundamental and Derived units, System of Units, Accuracy of measurement, measuring instruments.

Force and Motion: Uniform and non-uniform motion, Scalar and vector quantities, Graphical representation, Vector addition and subtraction, Speed and velocity, Distance-time, speed-time and velocity-time graph, Uniform acceleration, Equations of motions and their applications, Force and acceleration , Newton’s laws of motion, mass and inertia, Concept of momentum, relation between force and momentum.

Gravitation: The universal laws of gravitation, Newton’s third law and gravitation, acceleration due to gravity, Concept of mass and weight, Laws of freely falling bodies under gravity, centre of gravity and its determination for a regular body.

Vibration and Waves: Elementary ideas of periodic and simple harmonic motion, time-period and frequency of the simple harmonic motion, Simple pendulum and restoring force, Graphical representation of waves, Wavelength, frequency and velocity of the waves, Longitudinal and transverse waves, Sound waves, Application of ultra sound waves.

Work, Power and Energy: Work done by a constant force, Kinetic and potential energy, Power and its units.

Heat and thermometry: Concept of temperature, measurement of temperature using thermometer, Fahrenheit and Celsius scales of temperature, Heat energy, specific heat, mechanical equivalent of heat, Change of state and concept of latent heat, Humidity of air.

Magnetism: magnet and its property, poles of a magnet, magnetic lines of force, different kinds of magnet, Magnetic domains.

Light: Laws of reflection and refraction, reflection and refraction of light at plane and curved surfaces, spherical mirrors, Refraction by spherical lenses, Ray diagram for locating images by lenses and mirrors, Lens and mirror formula and their uses, Linear magnification , Human eye and defects of vision.

Basic Electricity: Charges, Electric lines of force, potential due to a charge, Motion of charges and electric current, Ohm’s law, Series and parallel combination of resistances, Electric current and transfer of energy, Electromagnetism and effect of current, Elementary ideas of electromagnetic induction, Electric motor, Generation and domestic uses of electricity.

Solar system and the Universe: Stars and galaxy, the sun and the solar system, planets and their motion, the origin of the universe, Artificial Satellites.
Nuclear Energy: Concept of nucleus of an atom, nuclear fission and fusion, Nuclear reactor.

CHEMISTRY (25 marks)
Atomic structure: Dalton’s atomic theory, elements, compounds, cathode ray, X-ray, radio-active radiations, Rutherford model of atomic structure, Bohr’s model of atomic structure and electronic configurations, Electronic configuration of the elements up to At. No. 18, Radioactivity and properties of a, ß^ and Y rays, Radio-isotopes and their uses, Nuclear fission and fusion reactions.

Classification of Elements: Mendeleef and modern periodic table, Electronic configuration of each group, periodic trend of metallic and non-metallic character, atomic size, nature of bonding, ionization potential and electron affinity, prediction of properties of an element and their compounds.

Chemical bonding: Octet rule and inert gas configuration as criteria of stability, ions, atoms and valency, Ionic bonds , covalent bonds (in simple cases), shape of molecules of H2O,NH3, CH4,CCl4, C2H4, SF6, PCl5.

Chemical reactions: Decomposition, displacement reactions, Isomerization reaction, combination reactions, chemical formula and equations, Atomic and molecular masses, Mole concept, gram atomic mass, Determination of formula of unknown compounds and balancing of equations.

Energetic: Bond energy, Energy involved in a reaction, Photo-chemical reactions and generation of free radicals, Electrolysis of waster and NaCl, Electrochemical cells (Galvanic cell), Dry cells, Storage cells, metallic corrosion.

Metals: Physical and chemical properties, Metal reaction with O2 , dil acid, Cl2, Electrochemical series and displacement of metals from the solutions, Elementary metallurgy of Fe, Al and uses of metals, Washing soda, Baking soda , lime, preparation of Bleaching Powder, Plaster of Paris.

Non-metals: Physical and chemical properties, reaction with O2, acid, Cl2, H2,Manufacture of NH3 and its reaction with O2, HCl &CuO, Extraction of Sulpur and its reaction with O2, conc.HNO3 and conc.H2HO4, Carbon and its compounds, Allotrophes of carbon, hydrocarbon, alkanes, isomerism in alkanes, Petroleum, Preparation and properties of CH3OH, C2H2OH, general methods of preparation, properties of organic acids-COOH group, esters, Nylon, Ployster, Rubber, Soap, detergents, Biomass as fuel, fossil fuel, coal, petroleum, Natural gas, classification of fuels, Calorific value of fuel, Ignition of temperature, combustion of fuel, Ideal fuel.

Coal deposits on earth, constituents of lithosphere, Green house effect, Oceans, composition and its important function.

Practical: Carbon, Nitrogen and O2 cycles on earth, Solubility and saturated solutions, solutions and suspension, distillation, hard and soft water, To show the presence of CO2, water vapor and dust particle in atmosphere, To identify the combustion product of fuels( CO2 and H2O only), condition of rusting, effect of heating on sulphur, Primary air pollutant, Solubility of ionic and covalent compounds in any given solvent, electrical conductivity of ionic and covalent compounds, Determination of m.p., b.p. of ionic and covalent compounds, Heat change during melting of solid or freezing of liquids.

Physical change and chemical changes, (Fe+S mixing and heating), Heat of reaction and Heat of dissolution, Construction of Voltaic cells, Relationship between current, time and metal deposited during electrolysis of copper.


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